Some makeup was harmed in the making of this picture. |
And welcome to my new blog page. Yes I know, it isn't
really new... but still. it is still kinda new because it is with my new account.
Anyways. You maybe be like 'Who is this?' Well... I am Lee.
I have grown up in New Zealand, and I have a twin.. I am currently a year 7 (As of the time I am writing this,) I go to Gisborne intermediate, and I am apart of a group named Ng
ā Manu a Rehua!
*Ahem* Anyways, Enough about myself, and more about this blog!
On this blog, I will be posting almost every week interesting information about...
- My adventures in Ngā Manu a Rehua,
- School work, and/or Homework
- Things we did that week,
- Plans for the future,
- And so much more!
I will try my best to keep on posting interesting updates, at least once a week, but if that doesn't occur, Expect me to be away scouting out for more new information! If this does sound interesting, keep checking back to see more!
Anyways, thank you for reading this post. I hope to see you at the next post!