Kia ora!
How's your day? Hope you're doing good! Anyways! Here is the sum up of what
I did during the time I wasn't posting which was only a week, but still!
During the school days, I would do school as normal, but usually over at my grandparents' house, to take care of my Papa! He's retired and has Altheziers and on most days, especially during these times, my nan whom of which is currently working as a manager for a place called 'Turanga Ararau,' and when at home, becomes a special carpenter! I mean, she built her own house! With her own hands!

But that's beside the point, she is quite busy tidying up our garage since it's been a rats nest since I could remember. Due to the fact she is doing that, she is quite busy and unable to look after her husband. And that is where I come in! I tend to hang out over there, just because of how peaceful and homey it feels! So, I had a thought! Why not kill two birds with one stone by, looking after my papa, and actually having somewhere quiet to work! I then took a stop on my blog for 2 reasons, 1: because of how repetitive it was getting and 2: because it would be kinda harder to try post about what I was doing while having to take care of my papa!
But, now I'm back! Because- well, my nan kinda has finished the garage and is in the midst of searching for a new project... I'm hoping she starts work on her wood collection... Sooooo! Regular-ish posting! Of course... I'm going to try to skip away from doing the same old same old. But that's beside the point! I have work I need to complete! So I best be off!
Thank you for reading my blog posts!
And I will see you in the next one!