Kia ora, Kia ora!
How's everyone day? Hope you are all doing good. I'm pretty good. Anywho! Today's topic is the second block today... and what had I completed? Or, what had I planned to do today. Let's start off what I was planning to get done. First, Prototec. Prototec is a maths program that gives the user many questions to answer. I had done the last stage, stage 8. I had gotten a pretty low score. I must admit. Not proud of it. But oh well!

The second task I had hoped to complete was my maths timetable and test how long it takes me to finish the harder timetables. Once again, not too good for my time. But my accuracy.
Pretty good! Here are some photos of my work!
The third task I had hoped to work on was my Maths coursebook, but that goodput to the side with the unexpected length of how long it was to complete the Prototec questioning... in which means that the coursebook work I was hoping to do today... is my homework for tonight. I'll be talking about how that went tomorrow morning!