Monday, August 24, 2020

24 ō Here-Turi-Koka;

Kia ora, Kia ora. 

How is your day been? Hope you are doing good through this global disaster. I'm doing A-Okay. But anyways, I have my results from my review of Episode 3 of Toku Reo. Ta Da!

This post is pretty bland and boring so... Does anyone know about Zodiac Signs? I dunno.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Quarantine Sucks.

 Kia ora whanau!

How is everyone? I am feeling so bored. Is everyone else in quarantine? Or is it just me? It may just be me and like a classmate or two that I know of in Quarantine... Oh well. I bought some masks to use the other day... So I can actually go to school... for like a day or two, but still! Social communication. More than I think about it, I am pretty sure school photos are tomorrow... I think I should be good to head into school... I also need for school work... hm. Anywho. Until I can get more school work, I'll be resuming Toku Reo, Prototec... maybe some StepsWeb... a dash of Moneytime... along with the occasional Mathletics. Yeah!
So, on the note of Prototec and all of that, here are my results from this morning!

I want to make this post longer than usual, like more conversational than usual so... I found out that my actual personality is what you would call 'Logician.' Does anyone else know their actual personality? I found it quite interesting learning about my personality. Apparently, I have the same personality type as Albert Einstein and Bill Gates, sooooo. I have a massive flex to my name. Are you jealous?
If you wanna learn about what personality type you are, check out this site and take a quiz!
Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Prototec maths!

Kia ora, Kia ora! 

How's everyone day? Hope you guys are doing great! I'm doing fantabulous- as usual! Let's have some small talk! Done anything interesting today? How about- have you been taking care of yourself and embracing the whole quarantine thing... for those who are still in it. Anywho! I'm not here to talk about myself! I'm here to talk about how I did in Prototec maths today!

Not going to lie... I did mediocrely. But I have improved since the last time! Which is great! Improvement is amazing! Isn't it?

Monday, June 15, 2020


Kia ora, Kia ora!

How is life? Mine is like I had said before, beautiful. During first block today... we hadn't done too much... but learn how to say the longest place name in the world! It is spelt like... Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipakakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahuo.
It is amazing, isn't it? We had also learnt with confidence a Karakia named 'Ko Rongomatane.'

Quick note- I would show a picture of my work... but I kinda messed up when writing down my notes, and so... it is almost impossible to see what I had written! Sorry about that! 

School-work today.

Kia ora, Kia ora!

How's everyone day? Hope you are all doing good. I'm pretty good. Anywho! Today's topic is the second block today... and what had I completed? Or, what had I planned to do today. Let's start off what I was planning to get done. First, Prototec. Prototec is a maths program that gives the user many questions to answer. I had done the last stage, stage 8. I had gotten a pretty low score. I must admit. Not proud of it. But oh well!

The second task I had hoped to complete was my maths timetable and test how long it takes me to finish the harder timetables. Once again, not too good for my time. But my accuracy. Pretty good! Here are some photos of my work!

The third task I had hoped to work on was my Maths coursebook, but that goodput to the side with the unexpected length of how long it was to complete the Prototec questioning... in which means that the coursebook work I was hoping to do today... is my homework for tonight. I'll be talking about how that went tomorrow morning!

First Manaiakalani lesson today!

Kia ora, Kia ora! 

How are you guys? I'm doing beautiful! Today during our Manaiakalani session... we were put to a task of writing what a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment looks like. We had Koka Krausse with us today! It was pretty interesting, although it had only been a starting lesson.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Maori / Update!

Kia ora, Kia ora!

Sorry for my absence, I've returned back to school and hadn't put blogging as a thing to upkeep! Anyways, I decided to review the episodes of Toku Reo and Make sure I actually take notes.  Here is my work from the first block at school! 

Notes from the Episode.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Kia ora, Kia ora!

The maths list that I completed today and yesterday!

How is life, everyone? I am doing great! Anywho, here is my work today- and partially yesterday... but still! Also! Here is my Maori test! Taa Daa!

My actual working out!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Today's work.

Kia ora, kia ora!

How's everyone day? Hope you are doing great! I sure am! Here is my work that I have done today, and a piece of work that I did last night. Anyways! Thought I should mention, my maths maintenance is not on here because it hasn't been updated when this post was being made.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Maths and Maori!

Ello! Ello!

Come one, come all! Take a seat dearest human, and listen to the story of my morning... I had a call at 9:15am. I also had, maths and Maori to do within the span of 8:30 to 10:30... I managed this by doing my Maori before the call... then doing what I would call a pro gamer move and did my maths during the call. It was kinda easy to do, 'cause we had to write down stuff.. so I just did my maths maintenance during that time... and uhm. Fun fact. Mathletics was thrown out the window once the meeting had hit the 2-hour mark... we went through a lot during that time, and actually, I am going to be doing separate work from most 90% of the rest of the class... just so that I can actually have more work.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Daily Maths Maintenance!

Kia ora, Kia ora!

Sorry, it's harder to read! Sorry!!!
The list I had done for maths today
Heya, everyone! How are you guys? I'm doing great! Quarantine is okay! Level 2 is upon us! Anyways, from today on I have a partially new routine, it starts off with Maori as usual. Then heads into Daily Maths Maintenance just to make sure I've completed it. After that has been accomplished, I post on my blog and start Mathletics. After Morning tea, I have literacy... I'll then during that time, work on any literacy themed projects my teacher has given out. Lunchtime arrives. At 1:30 I'll be working on misc projects that we need to complete, like for example something to do with technology... I'll complete that in the afternoon. 

Now since that is out of the way, here is this morning's daily math maintenance!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Today's plan of action.

Kia ora, Kia ora!

How are things? Hope quarantine is treating you good! Anywho! Today, I have started off with the usual, Maori. Along with that being usual, the usual score is still around. 100%. But that's not the main reason I am posting. The main reason is to just explain my plan for today! 
I started off with Maori... normal. Then... I'll be participating in a call at 9. 
Once that is completed. It will either be a short or long call... longest is 1 hour. So... most likely will get on board with some writing... if I can. 
After morning tea, I'll be trying my best to see how much of my prime book I can actually achieve... and we will then see how things go.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sum up of what I did for the past few days...

Kia ora! 

How's your day?  Hope you're doing good! Anyways! Here is the sum up of what I did during the time I wasn't posting which was only a week, but still!

During the school days, I would do school as normal, but usually over at my grandparents' house, to take care of my Papa! He's retired and has Altheziers and on most days, especially during these times, my nan whom of which is currently working as a manager for a place called 'Turanga Ararau,' and when at home, becomes a special carpenter! I mean, she built her own house! With her own hands!

But that's beside the point, she is quite busy tidying up our garage since it's been a rats nest since I could remember. Due to the fact she is doing that, she is quite busy and unable to look after her husband. And that is where I come in! I tend to hang out over there, just because of how peaceful and homey it feels! So, I had a thought! Why not kill two birds with one stone by, looking after my papa, and actually having somewhere quiet to work! I then took a stop on my blog for 2 reasons, 1: because of how repetitive it was getting and 2: because it would be kinda harder to try post about what I was doing while having to take care of my papa!

But, now I'm back! Because- well, my nan kinda has finished the garage and is in the midst of searching for a new project... I'm hoping she starts work on her wood collection... Sooooo! Regular-ish posting! Of course... I'm going to try to skip away from doing the same old same old. But that's beside the point! I have work I need to complete! So I best be off!

Thank you for reading my blog posts!
And I will see you in the next one!

I'm back!

Kia ora, Kia ora!

How's everyone's day been? How's quarantine? Anywho! Hope you guys are doing good! I sure am!
Boxes! On the left: Masu Box. On the right: Collapsible Box.
But besides that! I've decided in my spare time, to keep something my life interesting, I should take up Origami or something like that, and that's what I did! I haven't done that much, but still! It's something that was lying in the corner and I was like 'Hey! I should do that, it's fun and interesting!' Here I am now.
Here is some of my origami! I've also done some others! But I best post more about my actual school-work once again!

Japanese traditional origami!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Once again...

Kia ora!

As usual, Maori was first today... and also like usual, 100%. I had a thought, I'm getting bored with posting about the same old same. So, I am only going to be posting about something new! Something different! How's the day going to go? Stuff like that!

Yeah! The second thing on the chopping block to do today is... well. Maths... Yaaayyy. 

Hope you are doing good in quarantine... where I am at the moment we only have technically 2 days left. But more like 1 day not including today!