Monday, April 27, 2020

Once again...

Kia ora!

As usual, Maori was first today... and also like usual, 100%. I had a thought, I'm getting bored with posting about the same old same. So, I am only going to be posting about something new! Something different! How's the day going to go? Stuff like that!

Yeah! The second thing on the chopping block to do today is... well. Maths... Yaaayyy. 

Hope you are doing good in quarantine... where I am at the moment we only have technically 2 days left. But more like 1 day not including today! 


  1. Kia ora Lee, Good idea to post new things. I look forward to you getting creative. Could you create a graphic record of your learning like how long you spend of maths, compared to te reo etc.
    Kōkā Maria

  2. Kia ora Lee

    It is nice to be given the link to your blog posts. I look forward to tracking what you are getting up to and what life is like for you during these unusual times. Stay safe and be well!

    Mr Udall


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