Tuesday, April 21, 2020

A lonnngggg call.


How are you guys? Hope you are doing good... I feel like I write that every single time I write a new blog post... Anyways! Today, as said in my last post, I had a call at 9am... it ended up going 'til 11:10-ish... But anyway! During that time, we had discussed many things, some may or may not include Kahoot! Yes... we played Kahoot! We had 3 games. 2 towards the start of the meeting, and one at the very end of the meeting! It was fun! But that's not the topic I am mainly talking about today, I am just reviewing what we had done during the meeting! 

It started off by us doing a check making sure we could get as many on as possible... there ended up only being about 6 of us... so yea- Once we had done a check of who was on, Koka had went into what the plan for the meeting today was... which started us off by doing a game or two of Kahoots! Our first topic was Corona Virus. I mastered it... I dominated the leaderboards! I had the top score and the highest win streak...! And then... we went onto a different topic... Music. A little fun fact. I don't listen to music that often, and when I do... it's soft or otherwise known as Lo-fi. So I was no way going to win. And of course, I didn't. 

Once completing our Kahoot games... We had gone onto our Class site and was explained about how things are going to be running. What times you would need to be on and all of that. It was pretty easy to gobble down, and then- *POOF* 2 new accounts had joined the call- It was a couple of our classmates who missed the start of the call.

We were all ready by that point talking about what was changed on our site and new information about it. So... they didn't miss that much- Koka did a quick run-through of what we had talked about and went onto many other things... which had included our Steps progress... and Mathletics... Yeah... I'ma about to be real. I don't often do Mathletics or Steps... I kinda forgot about them.
We played a game of Kahoot to round everything off, and went on about if anyone had any questions and yea!
That's the call from today... I barely got any work done.

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